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Ashish Malik

Ashish Malik

Ashish is a Lecturer at University of Aberdeen since 2019. His research and teaching focuses on understanding microbial processes in soil that are involved in carbon cycling and the underlying mechanisms with a genes-to-ecosystem approach. Using a multi-scale integrated ecology approach, he aims to leverage fundamental science to address key societal challenges of sustainable land use, climate change resilience and peatland restoration. He is also keen on exploring newer ways of doing research, improving research culture, and promoting diversity and inclusivity in academia and beyond.

Ashish grew up in Goa, India where he concluded his undergraduate education in Microbiology. He did his PhD research at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena-Germany, has worked as a Marie Curie Fellow at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in Wallingford-UK, and as a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California Irvine-USA. He lives in Aberdeen but greatly admires the nature around.